General Industry Safety

Every company knows how important it is to be compliant with OSHA protocols. Still, most are not aware of how to efficiently train their employees to follow these guidelines across various disciplines.

Traditional safety training can require costly outside instructors, time off the job, and pricey specialized equipment. Virtual reality, however, can help quickly familiarize novice and seasoned employees with updated safety protocols while saving time, money, and energy for both employer and employee.

Employees trained in these realistic, virtual environments will be familiarized with extreme heights, live wires, complex machinery, and more, helping them build muscle memory and retain pertinent information vital to on-the-job success. Using virtual reality as a training and assessment tool can give management a new perspective on improving their safety training.

  • Hard Hat VR Bloodborne Pathogens
    Upgrade Your Safety Training with Virtual Reality
    The primary goal of this course is to teach workers the correct procedures to follow in a potential bloodborne pathogen event. The Bloodborne Pathogen VR simulation is ideal for future employees or supervisors working in hazardous environments where a likely bloodborne pathogen event may occur.