
COVID-19 Update

Tech-Labs eLearning & CTE Resources
Amid this uncertainty, we wanted to assure you that we are fully operational and here to support your school through the changes needed to reach your students remotely. We have partnered with educators for over 40 years to provide high-quality teaching resources, and we are here to help you. We have made the necessary adjustments in our workflow to ensure the safety of our employees, while still allowing us to provide exceptional service to our customers.

5 Steps to Implement Remote eLearning

5 Simple Steps to Remote eLearning
In the hands-on world of advanced manufacturing, online learning can be difficult. Not to worry. We have the solutions to give your students interactive lessons from anywhere on any device. As an instructor, you can assign hand-picked courses, track learning for each student, and have peace of mind as your class continues on schedule. We can help get your eLearning program up and running in less than a week.

Tech-Labs Turns 40!

Tech-Labs Turns 40!
It has been forty years since our President, Tim Brown, left Georgia in an old Dodge Dart with a dream to build a company that would ultimately improve peoples' lives. It was his dream to partner with educational institutions in Texas and Oklahoma by providing the latest technology and curriculum available and the best quality training equipment in education to enable students to achieve successful careers.
