Fume Extraction and Filtration

The need for fume extraction continues to be inherently linked with Health and Safety laws and compliance. Within the developed western markets such legislation is well defined and in the main compliance levels are high.

Most encouraging is the growing trend for improved employee welfare and environmental responsibility in regions where historically there has been less regard for either. This is a welcome and significant step change for our planet and one that at the macro level will drive an even greater demand for fume extraction.

BOFA's range of ADVANTAGE laser fume extraction and filtration systems are designed for applications that generate particulate and gaseous volatile organic compounds (VOC's) within the Laser Marking, Coding and Engraving Industries.

Printing Fume Extraction

  • Fume Extraction Systems from BOFA
    Inline Filter 300 - 600. For applications that generate high amounts of dust and particulate.
    The BOFA inline prefilters have been designed specifically for applications that generate high amounts of dust or particulate.
  • BOFA Advantage Range of Laser Fume Extractors
    The Advantage Base C180 has been designed and manufactured by BOFA, specifically for the GCC C180 laser engraver.

    The Advantage Base C180 has been designed specifically for the GCC C180 laser engraver. The dimensions of the unit allow the C180 to fit perfectly onto the extractor, effectively doubling it up as a workstation. The unit is also offered with an onboard air compressor to provide the laser with its air assist requirements and comes complete with extraction hose kit and compressor link up on compressor models.
