
  • Robotics Education

Tech-Labs is FANUC's exclusive Education Authorized Reseller in Texas and Oklahoma. FANUC’s Certified Education Robot Training system sets the standard in Industrial Robotics certification training. As the number one supplier of intelligent robots, there are more FANUC robots working in manufacturing and industrial facilities than any other brand. The FANUC Robots Certified Education Robot Training Cell is extremely valuable to trade schools, high schools, community colleges, and engineering schools.

MINDS-i is rocking the Robotics Education world with a high-technology platform that is simple to use, extraordinarily durable, infinitely modifiable, and will prepare students with the skills they need to excel in the 21st century.

  • Authorized FANUC CNC Integrator
    Item Number:
    LMV-F400 RL
    An excellent teaching machine with an all in one production center. This top of the line Milling Machine includes an attached FANUC LR Mate 200iD Robot arm. With this machine, educators have everything they will need to teach students both Robot programming and CNC machining.
  • Next-Generation Training
    The Smart Factory is a fully connected and flexible manufacturing system that connects its physical systems, operational information, and human assets to control manufacturing, maintenance, inventory, and supply chain operations.
  • Advanced Manufacturing Training Cell
    Item Number:
    The CSM is an intelligent manufacturing system using the latest Industry 4.0 connected advanced manufacturing equipment and techniques to produce a promotional product you can be proud to have your name on.
  • Levil and FANUC CNC Options
    Item Number:
    The APT MTEC is a FANUC Certified, advanced manufacturing, CNC Load/Unload system; complete with curriculum and training for your students to integrate and program a CNC and Robot.
  • Machine Tending Education Cell (MTEC)
    Item Number:
    This machine comes ready for mill and lathe operation with the robot moving a blank from a pick location to a simulated mill vice or lathe chuck all in one compact cell. The student can see the machine tool come to life on the monitor, hear the tools cutting, and crash the machine (virtually).
  • Lincoln Electric Robitc Welding Trainers
    Item Number:
    The ClassMate® M cell is a complete robotic training solution designed to meet the need for advanced manufacturing training. Instructors can teach robotic concepts in the classroom and quickly move to the lab for welding practice.
  • Robot Education Accessories
    Safety fencing, conveyors, robot pedal stools, and CRX mobile carts